There is no blue, red or yellow.. it's all just numbers

Published on October 15, 2021

There is that colour that you see and you immediately think of a place, a memory, a product, a company...... Yes, you know what I mean; it is all around us. There is 'that blue' you see and you think Facebook right off the bat; or that purple that says you need Cadbury's Chocolate immediately. We all know 'that red' that instinctively gives Coca Cola away and then there is that combo of blue, green, yellow and red that makes you think Google. Closer home, here in Kenya, we have a green that is ever present in shops all over the country; that green is synonymous with the biggest telecommunications giant in Eastern Africa, Safaricom.

Notice that I used the word 'that' before every colour; the colours are not those colours mentioned. What do I mean? Let's talk Coca Cola for instance. The colour code for red is #FF000 in HEX code or RGB(255,0,0) in decimal code. The code for Coca Cola's red is #ED1C16 in HEX code or RGB(237,28,22) in decimal code. So Coca Cola red is actually red mixed with a bit of green and blue in there making it their colour. The same goes for all other major brands: it is not blue, orange or brown, it is their blue, orange or brown.

When you're thinking of brand colours, be free with it; you are not limited to the seven colours of the rainbow. Only you, the founder, know how you want people to interact with your brand and colour plays a huge part. Now you know you have limitless possibilities and you can even name 'your colour'.

#brand #brandidentity #colour #color #design #hex #colourcode #branddesign

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