
online brand communities

Does your brand have an online community?

What sets them apart is that they have a strategy to communicate these values to the public. A strategy that enables them to attract followers who believe in and are inspired by what the company stands for........

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Influencer Marketing: Social Quality over Social Quantity

There is more to social media following than just numbers; quality of the following is key. There are many people with large following but poor engagement which translates to low value to you as a business.......

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There is no blue, red or yellow.. it's all just numbers

There is that colour that you see and you immediately think of a place, a memory, a product, a company. Yes, you know what I mean......

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Your marketing needs this more than anything

In this technology driven world, if you're not online or working your way towards that, you're losing out. I didn't need to write that fact out but its true and you know it.......

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