Your marketing needs this more than anything

Published on November 10, 2021

In this technology driven world, if you're not online or working your way towards that, you're losing out. I didn't need to write that fact out but its true and you know it.

For starters, a great website is a must-have. It is a fact that prospective customers gain more confidence in your company when you have a website. It is the best marketing tool that can literally tell people all about you at a glance from anywhere in the world. Online traffic is now predominantly mobile so it pays to have a mobile-first website that is responsive to all the different screen sizes on devices these days.

Google handles more than 4 million searches a minute globally. Let that number sink in. Let's bring it down to your level. If 100 people search for a product or service that you provide and your website comes up on the search, you stand to make sales. That's how amazing search engines can be; Search Engine Optimisation is not a want, it's a basic need. Ensuring that you rank as high as is possible for topics around your speciality is the difference between you making your revenue goals.

Speaking of mobile devices, more people are on apps and especially social media apps than ever before. The average person spends a little over 140 minutes on social media daily. Having a presence on social media is essential. What will set you apart is choosing the right platform for your target audience. By using social media you can lead more people to your website and then to you.

The oldest form of online communication is email; it is as old as the Internet itself. 90% of users still open their emails a number of times a week and with email apps on phones, they could check email daily. Because of all this, it is the most trusted communication making it also an important form of marketing that all businesses need to continuously embrace.

With increasing online activity, platforms such as Google enable companies to reach out to people using online ads as they browse the internet. Reaching out to specific targeted audiences is now more available to businesses than ever before.

Not all of these solutions will be applicable to your business depending on your product or service and more importantly your target audience. You will require a cocktail of all of them carefully curated to your specific marketing needs.

Even with all of these tools, the central ingredient is the story. How this story is told will vary depending on the platform: what you will use on your website, will be different from what will be on Facebook, Instagram or even YouTube. The story can be in a blog, a photo a video or audio but it has to be compelling. The average person is bombarded with more information than ever now; everyone is trying to tell their story. Your story needs to stand out and it needs to be consistent more than anything else.

We can help you do this by not just building the infrastructure for your online world but crafting your story to be captivating and relevant to your audience. Check out our website, social media handles but more importantly, we are open to coffee, tea, lunch or whatever. Call us.

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