Influencer Marketing: Social Quality over Social Quantity

Published on November 25, 2021

As a company, we initially started out by providing design and print services for clients. What made us decide on the shift to building great online brand communities came out of a misfortune. Long story short, we got stuck with a large quantity of quality products that we had to get rid of. We had next to zero product sales experience but a lot of our capital was tied up so we had to sell.

That's how the journey of setting up an instagram-based online shop started. We needed amazing social media posts: that was easy, we are great at design. The posts needed quality photos of the products: fun fact is that we have great friends over at Tulwet Studios who take great photos. We have internet, smartphones and laptops, so all requirements were checked off.

We took to daily posting having a mix of different posts showing products, product information, usage tips and funny related memes. We have been having fun making memes since then. Our page following was at 67 when we started (by hounding every person we collectively knew to follow us) and after 50 days, we were at 120; sales wasn't so great either. But we kept at it: making and posting content on a daily basis.

A week after that, we received a direct message from a lady who happened to have a sizeable following. She was wondering whether we could customize the product for her. We all smiled ear to ear because that was our specialty. The next day, we sent her the customized product and she was ecstatic! She called and said she loved it and that she would share it in her stories while tagging our page. We were so happy with the feedback , we didn't think much of it. The next few hours was a rollercoaster of sorts for the page. Our following grew by 200 and we got tens of orders at the same time! That one instagram story ushered us into the world of social influencer marketing.

Over the course of the next few months, we were able to work with quite a number of influencers: some with moderate following of a few thousand and those with hundreds of thousands. At one point, we had engaged two influencers with account following of 80,000 and 270,000 respectively. The results were surprising! We got 30 times as more sales and 50 times more followers from the account with a smaller following. This wasn't an isolated incident; it happened a number of times later.

There is more to social media following than just numbers; quality of the following is key. There are many people with large following but poor engagement which translates to low value to you as a business. It makes much more sense to have 1,000 followers who continuously engage with your content than having 100,000 followers who give minimal to no engagement. Even as you grow your social media presence, aim for genuine growth and avoid shortcuts like buying followers.

We work with companies to grow genuine following with real engagement that establishes your brand presence leading to increased sales. We believe in social quality over social quantity. Contact us today.

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