Does your brand have an online community?

Published on December 1, 2021

If you have a business, then you are or are aiming to be a legitimate going concern; you want to be in business for eternity. The goal is to have a product or service that will give you the revenue to pay for your operating costs and leave something over as your profit. This product or service will undergo various updates and additions as you grow the company. In the business, you will also go through trying times that will ultimately test your strength, resilience and creativity. The company may even change its name and brand identity at some point.

What doesn't change for the most successful companies are their core values that are the foundations upon which they are built. It is what builds the image the public creates of them because everything the company does is seen through those values. It is seen in their products or services and how they interact with their customers.

What sets them apart is that they have a strategy to communicate these values to the public. A strategy that enables them to attract followers who believe in and are inspired by what the company stands for. The company becomes a part of them; it relates to who they are as people. Brand communities are built of such; a group of people who strongly associate with a company that buying their products or paying for their services is more of a ritual. Think of Apple inc. and much closer home in Kenya, Safaricom; customer loyalty is so high, they still outsell their competition despite being more expensive. This is not only tied to big corporations, there are millions of small companies who have small but vibrant brand communities.

The internet has grown by leaps and bounds with the focus leaning on mobile as billions now access the online space through smartphones. Having a mobile-first website is now a necessity and getting your SEO in order is a basic need. Mobile apps are also an avenue that if applicable to your line of business can drive your growth. More people are glued to their social media apps than ever before on a daily basis. A fun fact is email, yes email, as old as it is still has the highest return on investment compared to all other online channels. To grow your reach, online ads can be instrumental in drawing may online users' attention to your company. All of these are made possible by production of the most relevant content catered to both the target audience and the online channel used. Your content can be a photo, video, audio or an article for instagram, youtube, a podcast or a blog respectively.

Building and growing a online community is the best form of marketing any company can employ today. It requires a strategy for communicating your values and goals; it is telling your brand story consistently. With time. you will have real people who don't just love your products and services but also consider you a part of their lives.

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